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Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Ausenansicht

Praxisklinik Ulmenhof

The allure of the contour

In the Winterhude quarter of Hamburg, Praxisklinik Ulmenhof, a specialist clinic, has moved into a historic building that perfectly captures the extraordinary flair of the neighbourhood. Having long been fascinated and impressed by the perfection of the Occhio luminaires on a personal level, the two owners Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Alexandre Assaf and Dr. Dr. Steffen Schöpper decided to entrust the Munich-based lighting specialist with illuminating their entire premises to immerse both the inside and the outside of this newly created space with extraordinary light.
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Eingangsbereich Mito sospeso

Inner brilliance

The top priority was for the clinic to inspire a positive, atmospheric first impression. While the spherical outdoor luminaires Sito giù, Sito verticale and Sito giro greet you outdoors, the pleasantly soft light of Mito sospeso welcomes you in as a unique highlight above reception. Working closely with architects and contractors, high importance was placed on making the design as harmonious as possible. With this in mind, the bronze finish of Mito sospeso matches the surface of the reception desk. The rotatable and swivelling surface-mounted luminaire io giro directs the gaze with its beautiful, contoured arcs of light to the logo and name of the clinic and, with its vertical orientation, generates a bright and friendly atmosphere.

More about io giro
‘In our profession, light is the most crucial factor. That’s why we chose Occhio'.
Priv.-Doz. Dr. Dr. Alexandre Assaf
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Wartezimmer Mito soffitto

Light – the feel-good factor

The iconic ring shape was consciously chosen for the lighting in the arrival and waiting areas. Therefore, while Mito sospeso lights the entrance, Mito soffitto luminaires with two different diameters are arranged playfully in the patients’ lounge area. The lighting mood can be optimally adjusted to the daylight conditions thanks to the dimming feature with which all of the luminaires are equipped.

More about Mito soffitto
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof HamburgTreppenhaus io verticale / io pico
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Flur io verticale / io piano v edge
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Flur Obergeschoss io verticale / io piano v edge
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Treppenhaus / Wartezimmer io verticale/ pico und Mito soffitto
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Behandlungsraum / Flur Piú alto v / io verticale
‘I think the interplay of light in the hallways is particularly amazing’.
Dr. Dr. Steffen Schöpper

The feeling of being in the best hands

The atmospheric light of io turns the stairwells, hallways, and corridors into extraordinary transitions between the treatment rooms and the waiting areas, giving them an almost homely feel. The light itself becomes art: while io verticale creates impressive accents on the walls and ceiling, io piano is a trusted guide that lights the way. The light of io pico wall gently shapes the sloping roof.

The clear preference for the io series, which gives the impression that all of the connections in the building came from the same mould, is supported by other Occhio models in all of the different spaces. Thus, Più alto v creates new horizons, and the spotlight Più alto 3d introduces a new chapter in the seminar room. They all share the round shape that runs like a common thread through the holistic lighting concept and combines with the bronze finish to conjure up warmth and cosiness in the rooms.

Discover our io series
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Behandlungsraum Piú alto v

Precision meets style

The treatment rooms, which require the best possible working light with a specific lux value, are lit by the powerful surface-mounted luminaire Più alto v, which ensures consistent lighting at all times to avoid tiring the eyes. At 3,000 kelvins, the light ties in with that of the corridors, which is 2,700 kelvins – warm, and yet cool enough to allow you to keep a clear head. In this area, the design is considerably more functional, with the luminaires in a regular arrangement. However, to harmonise with the style of the other luminaires, the same finish was chosen for Più alto v, which also has a round shape once again.

More about Più alto v
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Patientenzimmer io verticale / Mito sfera

Regaining strength and energy

During the design phase, particular attention was paid to the recovery rooms, which were consciously equipped with little light and provide a view of nature. In this place of rest and revival, the subdued light of io verticale provides sufficient room lighting and creates a pleasant, calm environment. In the adjoining bathroom, you encounter Mito sfera, which is positioned around the mirror and whose gentle presence reassures you as you meet yourself for the first time. Here too, the consistency of the lighting concept and materials is not only visible but also tangible.

More about Mito sfera
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof Hamburg Fortbildungsraum Dachgeschoss Piú alto 3d

Setting off the architecture

Reaching up as far as the roof ridge, the seminar room has a unique beauty that is underlined by the light from Più alto 3d spotlights. To keep the promise that functional light would not appear functional, the luminaires were arranged in pairs between the window reveals for a striking effect. How the luminaires have been installed also allows flexibility in terms of the position of the furniture, which can change depending on the event. The variation provided by the mobility is also reflected in the luminaire itself. It enables downlighting despite the sloping roof and also indirectly lights the roof space itself, turning it into a highlight.

More about Più alto 3d

Praxisklinik Ulmenhof

Year of completion: 2024
Luminaires: Mito sospeso, Mito soffitto, Mito sfera, Più alto, io pico, io verticale, io giro, io alto, io piano, Sito verticale, Sito lato, Sito giro
Lighting design: Occhio
Photos: Robert Sprang

Occhio for your project

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