‘In our profession, light is the most crucial factor. That’s why we chose Occhio'.
‘I think the interplay of light in the hallways is particularly amazing’.
The feeling of being in the best hands
The atmospheric light of io turns the stairwells, hallways, and corridors into extraordinary transitions between the treatment rooms and the waiting areas, giving them an almost homely feel. The light itself becomes art: while io verticale creates impressive accents on the walls and ceiling, io piano is a trusted guide that lights the way. The light of io pico wall gently shapes the sloping roof.
The clear preference for the io series, which gives the impression that all of the connections in the building came from the same mould, is supported by other Occhio models in all of the different spaces. Thus, Più alto v creates new horizons, and the spotlight Più alto 3d introduces a new chapter in the seminar room. They all share the round shape that runs like a common thread through the holistic lighting concept and combines with the bronze finish to conjure up warmth and cosiness in the rooms.
Praxisklinik Ulmenhof
Year of completion: 2024
Luminaires: Mito sospeso, Mito soffitto, Mito sfera, Più alto, io pico, io verticale, io giro, io alto, io piano, Sito verticale, Sito lato, Sito giro
Lighting design: Occhio
Photos: Robert Sprang