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Die Villa Skane von Außen

Villa Skane

A light in the dark

In the idyllic seclusion of Ljunghusen, south of Malmö, a holiday home has been built that exudes a special aura of light when darkness falls. The house, surrounded by wild grasslands and heather, is illuminated only by moonlight and light by Occhio – there is no street lighting in sight.

Therefore, the way in which light can be used intensively and in the perfect amount to create accents while also illuminating every last corner was all the more important in this project. For the client, there was no such thing as too bright, and he fell in love with light by Occhio.
Eine Gruppe aus vier Mito sospesos im Eingangsbereich

Yearning for light

Covering two storeys, the entrance area acts like a lighthouse, welcoming guests to the property. The elegant Mito sospeso suspended luminaires hang in the air at different heights, creating a cloud of light – a landmark that is visible from far away, even on the many dark days. With their rose-gold finishes and their characteristic ring shape, it’s impossible to imagine a warmer welcome – a greeting from a distance that generously invites you in.

To the Mito series
Sito verticale Außenansicht von Villa Skane

A light-based fusion

The family was heavily involved in the planning of the house, including the composition of the lighting, which is as important outdoors as indoors. Fascinating new light contours are created thanks to the upward and downward light beams from Sento verticale indoors and Sito verticale outdoors.

More about Sito verticale
zwei Sento sospeso über der Küchenzeile

Perspectives on light

Many of the details relate to the communication between indoors and outdoors. Just like the Mito sospeso luminaires in the entrance hall, Sento sospeso creates a beautiful accent in the large kitchen window. While providing the perfect frame when experienced in the room itself, the lighting is also both effective and attractive when viewed from outdoors. The background lighting continues consistently here with Più piano spotlights and allows Sento sospeso to take centre stage.

More about Sento sospeso

Trusted companions in every room

Eine MIto sospeso im Ankleidezimmer, begleitet von fünf Più Strahlern

Dressed in the perfect light

The interplay between light and dark continues in the walk-in wardrobe: while the Più spotlights precisely follow the shape of the room, Mito sospeso makes the central dresser island the radiant centrepiece.
More about Mito sospeso
Più Strahler über der Küchentheke

Moments of enjoyment

The long bistro kitchen, which provides abundant space for guests as well as the family, benefits from the light of the Più series. While a string of Più alto spotlights shines down on the breakfast bar, Più piano v surface-mounted spotlights illuminate the counters.
To the Più series
Drei Più Strahler im Flur

Guiding light

The swivelling Più piano spotlights light the way down the narrow passages between the house’s different areas. At the same time, they highlight the art on the walls.
More about Più piano
Eine Mito aura im Wohnzimmer

Illumination of recovery

Primordial emotions evoked in special spaces: in the house’s TV room, Mito aura creates a mystical effect with its uplight and exudes security and cosiness thanks to its shape and warm, soft light.
More about Mito aura
Drei sento sospeso über dem Esstisch und drie sento vertivale im Flur

The magic of the moment

The ‘champagne room’ is the only room on the first floor and is the most exclusive of all the spaces. From here, you have a view of the sea – a pleasing change of perspective that emphasises the privacy and seclusion offered by the house. This inviting and cosy scene is accompanied by the charming light of Sento sospeso over the dining area and the light of Sento verticale, which shows off the walls. The color matt gold was chosen for all of the luminaires to give a luxurious feel to this room that provides a brief but valuable respite from the world.

To the Sento series
Eine Gruppe aus vier Mito sospesos im Eingangsbereich
Drei sento sospeso über dem Esstisch und drie sento vertivale im Flur
zwei Sento sospeso über der Küchenzeile
Eine Gruppe aus drie Mito sospesos über dem Esstisch
Eine MIto sospeso im Ankleidezimmer, begleitet von fünf Più Strahlern

Villa Skane

Year of completion: 2023
Luminaires: Mito sospeso, Mito aura, Sento sospeso, Sento verticale, Sito verticale, Sito palo, Più piano
Lighting design: Occhio
Images: Enok Holsegaard

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