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Luna pura – beyond candlelight

Coro & Coro moon pro

Mito largo Mito largo

Mito aura Mito aura

lui volto lui volto

Sento verticale Sento verticale

Sento sospeso Sento sospeso

Luna sospeso Luna sospeso

Gioia equilibrio Gioia equilibrio

Luna pura Luna pura

Mito soffitto Mito soffitto

io tavolo io tavolo

Mito volo Mito volo

Più R alto Più R alto

Mito terra Mito terra

Taglio tavolo Taglio tavolo

Explore our Luminaires Explore our Luminaires

culture of light
Our luminaires are an invitation – to create the extraordinary, to enjoy and to share magical moments. We call it: a new culture of light. More about Occhio
Occhio near you
Experience the culture of light in one of our flagship or partner stores in your city.

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Occhio Store Flagship store Occhio GmbH Wiener Platz 7Please tell us which dates and time work for you:
You will receive a confirmation email shortly. If you for any reason need to change your booking, this is possible in the confirmation email.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
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